Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
Project title: FIRE+ online interoperability and performance test tools to support emerging technologies from research to standardization and market launch
Other partners: 9 partners including (C. Viho (Dionysos); T. Watteyne (Eva))
Abstract: The goal of F-Interop is to extend FIRE+ with online interoperability and performance test tools supporting emerging IoT-related technologies from research to standardization and to market launch for the benefit of researchers, product development by SME, and standardization processes.
QuEEN project
Abstract: QuEEN was a large 3-year Celtic project going from end 2011 to January 2015. The project's outputs include the development of automatic QoE measurement modules for Web services and applications, and the organization of these measurement modules as a network of cooperative agents in order to allow each agent to take advantage of the measurements done by the others. Dionysos was involved in most of the activities of the project, and QuEEN partners have benefit from our experience in developing the PSQA technology. QuEEN involved many companies and academic institutions (24 European partners); the project leader was Orange Labs, in Sophia Antipolis.
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